Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant contracted by Respondent for construction services / Respondent accepted Applicant's quote / Disagreement between Applicant and Respondent / Respondent decided to get a different builder to complete work / Respondent deducted $1,739.16 from final payment due to Applicant / Applicant claimed payment / Held: Applicant had not proven fencing work met guarantee as to fitness of a particular purpose / Respondent entitled to deduct amount paid to the other builder from Applicant's final invoice / No amount payable to Applicant / Claim dismissed.
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2387 items matching your search terms
E Ltd v XL [2024] NZDT 563 (9 July 2024) [PDF, 239 KB] -
UC Ltd v BD Ltd [2024] NZDT 533 (9 July 2024) [PDF, 267 KB] Consumer Law / Contract / Applicant laid concrete supplied by the Respondent on a driveway of a property development / The bottom half was much darker than the top half / The bottom half was supplied by the Respondent / Applicant claimed there was no black oxide or very little in the concrete for the concrete for the bottom half supplied by the Respondent / Applicant sought a refund of the price it paid the Respondent for the concrete ($5,146.22) plus interest (6% current bank rate at the time) / Respondent claimed they were not told the concrete ordered needed to match with the concrete already there or they would have told the Applicant to use the top half supplier / Held: Applicant failed to prove their version of events was on balance more likely than the Respondent’s version / Of particular note was the Respondent’s evidence regarding different suppliers and that they were not aware they needed to match concrete / Respondent not liable for the difference in colour of concrete / C…
QU v UQ & J Ltd [2024] NZDT 522 (9 July 2024) [PDF, 100 KB] Insurance law / Respondent hit the rear of Applicant’s vehicle at a pedestrian crossing / Applicant’s insurer paid for repair costs / Applicant claimed $6,420.80 from Respondent for cost of repairs / Held: Respondent liable for the damage to Applicant’s vehicle / Cost of repairs proven / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $6,420.80 / Claim allowed.
ND v F Ltd [2024] NZDT 525 (8 July 2024) [PDF, 92 KB] Consumer law / Education / Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant enrolled son with Respondent for extra English tuition / Applicant believed that programme was inadequate and did not prepare son for exams / Son failed mock exams / Applicant claimed refund for fees paid / Held: services provided must be provided with reasonable skill and care / Goods or service must be fit for purpose / No evidence to conclude Respondent’s classes were not in accordance with curriculum / Number of reasons why son could have failed / Claim dismissed.
QH v N Ltd & T Ltd [2024] NZDT 523 (8 July 2024) [PDF, 187 KB] Contract / Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased shipping container from Second Respondent / Applicant contracted First Respondent to transport shipping container to property / Wrong container was collected that resulted in delay / First Respondent seeks $475 for wait time / Applicant claimed declaration of non-liability / Held: service provider must exercise reasonable care and skill / Waiting cost not to fall on Applicants / Second Respondent ordered to pay First Respondent $237.50 for waiting cost / Claim allowed in part.
HL v UB [2024] NZDT 339 (8 July 2024) [PDF, 136 KB] Damage / Vehicle collision / Parties were involved in vehicle collision / Applicant claimed Respondent deliberately rammed his vehicle into a barrier / Applicant sought compensation for value of his vehicle, which was written off / Held: more likely than not that Respondent was driver of vehicle / Respondent deliberately rammed Applicant’s vehicle / Respondent liable for resulting damage and loss / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant’s insurer $9,957.00, $1,200 of which was to be paid to Applicant for excess / Claim allowed.
TN v SH [2024] NZDT 569 (5 July 2024) [PDF, 205 KB] Negligence / Applicant's son and Respondent's mother involved in vehicle collision / Applicant claimed $20,000 for value of vehicle / Applicant's son drove without supervisor and L plates while on Learners licence / Held: Respondent's mother failed to take reasonable care and caused damage / Respondent's mother failed to give way, which is the direct cause of collision / Applicant entitled to compensation / Tribunal does not condone Applicant's son breach in driving conditions but there is no direct evidence Applicant's son contributed to collision or damage / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $13,500 / Claim allowed.
KM & MM v WN & DN [2024] NZDT 577 (5 July 2024) [PDF, 188 KB] Nuisance / Applicants lived next to a new development / Applicants were concerned with sunlight reflecting off the roof into their house / Applicants claimed $15,000.00 in nuisance for harm to their health, visual pollution and a potential reduction in property value / Applicants also sought that the Respondents reclad/overclad part of the development’s roof with non-reflective roofing materials / Held: nuisance confined to situations where there was property damage, loss or injury / Applicants did not allege any physical property loss or damage / Applicants claim solely concerned the impact on their personal health, the visual impact and a ‘potential’ economic loss which might arise / Tribunal did not have jurisdiction to determine the claim / Noted that reduction in property value fell within definition of property damage/loss / However, no substantive evidence was produced, only speculation / Claim struck out
SG v S Ltd [2024] NZDT 557 (5 July 2024) [PDF, 184 KB] Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to lay concrete foundation for home extension / Foundation encroached neighbour's property / Consented plans incorrect / Applicant claimed Respondent and architect liable for encroachment / Held: Applicant declined to have the site surveyed before works commenced / Respondent had only the consented plans and work was completed as provided in the plans / Respondent completed work as instructed / Work completed with reasonable skill and care / Claim dismissed.
C Ltd v HQ [2024] NZDT 602 (4 July 2024) [PDF, 127 KB] Contract / Accord and satisfaction / Applicant built a dwelling on Respondent’s property pursuant to a contract between the parties / Final invoice was rendered for $46,500.59 but only $26,598.73 was paid / Respondent stated he was making a number of deductions and tendered the amount in full and final settlement / Applicant rejected full and final settlement term but kept the sum tendered / Applicant claimed for recovery of $19,901.86 remaining amount unpaid by Respondent / Held: no evidence that the dispute was a real dispute / Unable to determine that any of the alleged deductions from the unpaid amount were valid deductions / Respondent required to pay full remaining amount of the invoice / Respondent ordered to pay $19,901.86 / Claim allowed.
NS v TN & C Ltd [2024] NZDT 544 (4 July 2024) [PDF, 110 KB] Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Interest on Money Claims Act 2016 / Applicant booked accommodation run by Respondent / Respondent later cancelled booking / Applicant had to find alternative accommodation / Applicant claimed $29,302.90 for additional accommodation and travel expenses, hearing costs, interest and $23,000.00 for stress and inconvenience / Respondent counterclaimed $1,960.00 for time responding to claim / Held: mistake on Respondent’s part when he accepted booking / Respondent did not intend to mislead or deceive / Respondent failed to take reasonable care and skill / Applicant’s additional accommodation ($155.70) and travel ($309.70) costs were reasonably foreseeable consequential losses / Applicant suffered loss of enjoyment of not having holiday in intended location / $1,000.00 awarded for loss of enjoyment / Claims for costs not available / Interest not awarded / Respondent ordered to pay $1,465.40 / Claim allowed in part / Counterclai…
CN v L Ltd & U Ltd [2024] NZDT 493 (4 July 2024) [PDF, 221 KB] Contract / Respondent rebuilt Applicant's chimney that was damaged in an earthquake / Applicant was unhappy with Respondent’s work / Disputes Tribunal ordered Respondent to remove work and pay for installation of new firebox and flue / Respondent offered to resolve matter in alternative way by removing fire and flue system and paying Applicant $11,286.10 / Applicant agreed, provided that any additional costs of removal would not be at her expense / Applicant claimed $18,802.47, being cost paid to new contractor to install new fire and flue, less amount received from Respondent / Held: parties reached agreement to resolve Applicant’s original claim in alternative way to that ordered by Tribunal / Respondent breached that agreement, because entire fire and flue system was not removed as agreed, and there were additional costs Applicant had to pay / Applicant not entitled to entire cost of installation of new fire and flue system, as this was not part of alternative agreement / Respondent…
DM Ltd v BU [2024] NZDT 601 (3 July 2024) [PDF, 101 KB] Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant carried out a house move for Respondent / Applicant sent Respondent an invoice for $4,541.01 / Respondent did not pay invoice / Applicant claimed $5,200.00 for original invoice plus interest / Respondent claimed she was told the move would only take three hours and she should not have to pay for more than that / Respondent sought to set off the value of damage she claimed Applicant caused to a mirror and a light / Held: parties disputed phone conversation details regarding how long the move would take / Emails between the parties made it clear the move would be charged on an hourly rate and Respondent agreed to that in writing / Respondent liable to pay the invoiced $4,531.01 / Respondent entitled to compensation of $432.04 for broken mirror / Insufficient evidence that Applicant damaged the light / Not appropriate to award in interest / Respondent ordered to pay $4,098.97, invoiced amount less compensation for broken light / …
TE v CH [2024] NZDT 571 (3 July 2024) [PDF, 178 KB] Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant engaged Respondent's company to complete framing of Applicant’s house / Applicant claimed Respondent did not fulfil contractual agreement because roofing, plumbing and painting contractors had not completed work or it had not been done to standard required / Applicant claimed $29,956.50 damages for breach of contract / Held: contract between Applicant and Respondent was for framing only and did not include roofing, plumbing or painting / Applicant failed to prove Respondent was responsible for work carried out by other contractors / No intention to create legal relations when Respondent introduced the contractors to Applicant / Claim dismissed.
EI v EE Ltd [2024] NZDT 529 (3 July 2024) [PDF, 182 KB] Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant stayed at a hotel operated by the Respondent / Applicant ordered a vegetarian omelette / Applicant was alarmed to discover there was bacon in the omelette, as she was a strict vegetarian / Applicant claimed $10,000.00 in compensation for the failure to provide her with food as ordered and for the distress and harm she suffered / Respondent accepted human error resulted in the wrong food being supplied to the Applicant / Respondent believed it had met its legal responsibilities for compensation, as it waivered a range of account charges for the Applicant/ Held: services were not supplied with reasonable care and skill / Acknowledged that the Respondent’s failure was confronting and distressing for the Applicant / No evidence of widespread failure with the Respondent’s food quality or compliance systems / Appeared to be an isolated incident caused by human error / Respondent offered reasonable compensation with full refund of failed…
TM v D Ltd [2024] NZDT 494 (3 July 2024) [PDF, 202 KB] Contract law / Applicant engaged Respondent to manufacture commercial signs for his business / Work was carried out and the signs delivered to Applicant / Applicant did not pay / Respondent came to Applicant’s premises and removed the signs / Applicant claimed $8,000 for replacement signage / Respondent counterclaimed $6,756.00 for unpaid invoices, cost of sign removal, administration and debt collection costs and undue stress / Held: Applicant not entitled to $8000 as contract said the signs remained the Respondent’s property until they had been paid for / Applicant breached contract by failing to pay outstanding invoice / Claim dismissed / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,488.50 / Claim dismissed and counterclaim allowed in part.
BK & KK v Q Ltd [2024] NZDT 405 (3 July 2024) [PDF, 101 KB] Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent installed water pump into Applicant’s lifestyle block / Water pump failed after 18 months of use / Applicant’s claimed $5,345.44 for the price of new pump and cost of travel / Held: water pump was not of acceptable quality / Applicant entitled to refund / Applicants entitled to compensation and cost of travel / Respondents to pay Applicants $5,345.44 / Claim allowed.
ED v NG [2024] NZDT 545 (2 July 2024) [PDF, 96 KB] Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant purchased second-hand vehicle from Respondent for $14,500 / Ad stated vehicle was in “very good condition for its age” / After noticing issues with vehicle, Applicant had it checked and was advised of significant failings, including a rusted out chassis / Applicant claimed $11,000 for cost of replacing chassis and tidying up other WOF issues / Held: Respondent misrepresented condition of the vehicle, as it was not “in good condition for its age” / Misrepresentation induced Applicant to buy vehicle / Respondent liable for cost of putting right the misrepresented condition of the vehicle / Respondent ordered to pay $11,000.00 / Claim allowed.
Q Ltd v U Ltd [2024] NZDT 454 (2 July 2024) [PDF, 212 KB] Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent approached Applicant about supplying steel tables for plant trays to be used in Respondent's nursery business / Respondent was looking for 50 to 100 tables / Applicant provided estimates and table prototypes / Respondent did not purchase any tables / Applicant claimed payment of $7,963.75 invoice for labour costs producing prototypes / Held: Applicant's invoice for prototypes was not commercially reasonable / Implied term of contract that any price charged on parts and labour would be commercially reasonable / Respondent breached contract with Applicant by not paying for prototypes / Respondent only entitled to pay for actual cost of two prototypes built / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,835.75 / Claim allowed in part.
T Ltd v G Ltd [2024] NZDT 519 (2 July 2024) [PDF, 156 KB] Contract law / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (CCLA) / Applicant bought the rights to a distributor agreement from a third party and entered into a regional distributor agreement for a region / Third party sold cladding rights to Respondent / Respondent moved to an authorised reseller agreement / Applicants were offered an authorised reseller agreement but declined / Applicant claimed Respondent breached its distributor agreement as it was never terminated / Held: contract was cancelled by mutual agreement / Applicant not entitled to any relief under CCLA / Claim dismissed.
B Ltd v C Ltd [2024] NZDT 505 (2 July 2024) [PDF, 131 KB] Contract / Applicant had sublease agreement with Respondent / Applicant was to ensure that all fixtures and fittings were serviced regularly by a qualified service provider / Applicant stated they engaged a provider to service the equipment and that repairs were required / Invoices were sent to the Respondent but they refused to pay / Applicant claimed $3,361.33 for repair costs as well as compensation costs for business interruption and health and safety concerns due to delayed repairs / Respondent stated replacement of minor consumable items was part of the Applicant’s obligations to keep the equipment “serviced” / Held: obligation to repair fixtures and fittings remained with Respondent / If the parties had wanted to share repair costs it should have been specified in the agreement / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $3,361.33 and reimburse all repair and replacement costs related to the fixtures and fittings / Not appropriate to make award compensation costs in the circumstances…
OT v F Ltd [2024] NZDT 399 (2 July 2024) [PDF, 93 KB] Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased a used car from dealership / After travelling 8,000km and within three-year warranty period, Applicant discovered water pump was leaking / Dealer could not find any coolant leak / After travelling further 40,000km, coolant pump and thermostat had to be replaced at cost of $2,439.04 / Applicant said coolant pump failure was a known fault and claimed reimbursement of replacement cost from Respondent manufacturer / Held: car was purchased second hand and Applicant had altered performance of the engine outside of the manufacturer specifications / Applicant did not provide evidence of a product recall in any jurisdiction for coolant pump or evidence that the part failed due to a manufacturing defect / Applicant failed to prove part was defective / Claim dismissed.
U Ltd v NG [2024] NZDT 492 (1 July 2024) [PDF, 198 KB] Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Respondent obtained online estimate of $310.00 from Applicant for house cleaning services / Applicant sent confirmation email with its terms and conditions / Respondent overlooked confirmation email and obtained alternative prices, one of which he accepted / Applicant contacted Respondent with reminder on day before job was booked, Respondent advised he did not want the booking / Applicant claimed $217.00 cancellation charge / Held: parties entered into a contract / Terms sufficiently certain / Applicant engaged in misleading conduct by stating it was providing a quote when it was providing an estimate / Respondent did not suffer any loss from misleading conduct / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $217.00 / Claim allowed.
LE v T Ltd [2024] NZDT 456 (27 June 2024) [PDF, 183 KB] Jurisdiction / Family Dispute Resolution Act 2013 / Applicant referred to Respondent's mediation services / Mediation did not proceed as "administrative withdrawal" was noted on records / Applicant claimed Respondent failed to provide adequate services and sought $630 compensation for legal costs / Held: Applicant's claim not within the Tribunal's jurisdiction / No contract formed between parties / Applicant did not select nor pay for Respondent's services / Respondent allocated to Applicant / Claim struck out.
GI v D Ltd [2024] NZDT 452 (27 June 2024) [PDF, 197 KB] Contract / Applicant entered into an agreement to rent cabin from Respondent / Parties dispute as to whether the contract was for a fixed term of 6 months and whether the cabin was returned in a dirty and damaged condition / Applicant claimed $95 for overpayment, refund of deposit and compensation for inconvenience and hurt feelings / Respondent counterclaimed compensation for carpet replacement, cleaning and painting, and rent / Held: not a term of the contract that there was a minimum hire of 6 months / Applicant not liable to pay additional $736.28 for rent / Applicant entitled refund for overpayment and deposit / Respondent entitled to claim $300 compensation for carpet replacing and cleaning / No breach of contract by Respondent to determine whether compensation for mental stress is justified / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $95 / Claim dismissed.