Contract / Minors’ Contracts Act 1969 / Second Respondent is a minor and agreed to sell horse to Applicants / parties agreed that First Respondent acted as Second Respondent’s agent and had authority to sell horse / after Applicant paid agreed sum, Second Respondent changed his mind about selling horse / Applicants claimed for enforcement of contract / Held: Second Respondent’s reason for wanting to cancel contract was his deep attachment to horse / ordinarily this is irrelevant but Tribunal is to take wider perspective under s 6(3) Minors’ Contracts Act 1969 / having regard to subject matter and nature of contract, it was not appropriate to enforce contract although it was fair and reasonable / Applicants entitled to compensation under s 7(1) Minors’ Contract Act 1969 for inconvenience, expense and emotional impact / claim dismissed, Second Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $1,000.00 compensation.
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2378 items matching your search terms
ADX and ADY v ZWB and ZWA [2010] NZDT 244 (23 September 2010) [PDF, 94 KB] -
AEA v ZVU Ltd [2010] NZDT 251 (3 September 2010) [PDF, 80 KB] Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / guarantees as to acceptable quality and fitness for purpose / Applicant purchased a pair of basketball shoes made by a major shoe manufacturer / claimed the pull tab on the shoe had agitated his ankle and caused bleeding / sought refund on the basis that the shoes were not reasonably fit for the purpose for which the supplier represented they would be fit under s 8(1)(b) / Applicant made his own shoe selection and did not rely on the Respondent’s staff’s expertise / Respondent produced evidence showing this and a similar style of shoe had been sold in New Zealand without complaint / evidence from podiatrist suggesting Applicant was not wearing correct socks for his foot size / held that the Applicant’s injury was likely to be a case of needing to “wear in the shoes” and blisters are not uncommon with new shoes / claim dismissed.
AAT and AAU as Trustees of LM Trust v ZZH [2010] NZDT 17 (24 August 2010) [PDF, 95 KB] Contract / lease / implied terms / Respondent leased farm property from Applicants (trustees of LM Trust) / under Lease, the lessee was not required to leave any silage / however after lease was signed there was oral agreement between parties that Respondent could use part of a silage pit as long as it was replaced at end of the lease / Respondent emptied silage pit but did not replace it on termination of lease / Applicants claimed for the value of silage / Held: it could not be found that oral agreement existed given the conflict of recollections and lack of documentation / insufficient evidence to find there was meeting of the minds on the matter / requirement to replace could not be implied as it was inconsistent with express terms of the Lease and could also not be implied by custom or usage / claim dismissed.
AAX and AAY as Trustees of AP Trust v ZZF Ltd [2010] NZDT 18 (13 August 2010) [PDF, 87 KB] Contract / insurance policy / Applicants purchased insurance policy for their property underwritten by Respondent / two claims were made under the policy (2006 and 2009) / for 2006 claim, Respondent only paid out on one item claimed as it took the view that an excess applied to each item and only one item was recoverable / for 2009 claim, Respondent deducted a landlord excess rather than an owner occupied excess / Applicants claimed for the items not paid out in the claims / Held: policy enabled Applicants to aggregate their claims entitling Respondent to only deduct one excess / policy could be read as enabling aggregation of related claims to avoid multiple excesses / damage from Applicant’s tenancy to be considered as a “series” of events from one original source / Distillers Co Bio-Chemicals (Aust) Pty Ltd v Ajax Insurance Co Ltd (1974) 130 CLR 1 / Pacific Dunlop Ltd v Swinbank (1999) 10 ANZ Insurance Cases 61-439 / distinguished QBE Insurance Ltd v MGM Plumbing Pty Limited [2003] …
AAR and AAS v ZZI Ltd [2010] NZDT 14 (21 July 2010) [PDF, 91 KB] Contract / Contractual Remedies Act 1979, Contractual Mistakes Act 1977 and non est factum / Applicants entered into Agreement for Sale and Purchase of property from Respondent and paid deposit / however, settlement never took place as Applicants thought property included a garage and library but Agreement only related to the garage / Applicants claimed the return of their deposit / Held: there was insufficient evidence to establish that Respondent misled Applicants / parties were at cross-purposes, only Applicants were mistaken about the subject matter of Agreement thus no mutual mistake / relief precluded by s 6(2)(a) Contractual Mistakes Act 1977 / Applicants did not exercise reasonable care to establish contents of Agreement, therefore could not rely on plea of non est factum / claim dismissed.
AAB v ZZY [2010] NZDT 20 (21 July 2010) [PDF, 86 KB] Contract / Contractual Remedies Act 1979 / Contractual Mistakes Act 1974 / Applicant entered into a contract to purchase Respondent’s takeaway business / Applicant paid deposit upon signature, with settlement to take place one month later / realised deep fryer and fan were not part of the sale shortly before settlement / sought to cancel the agreement and return deposit / claim for $1,000 for deposit / Respondent counterclaimed for $9,000, seeking completion of the purchase / held that the Applicant was unable to establish that they agreement, construed objectively, obliged the Respondent to supply all furniture and fittings / Applicant failed to establish that the Respondent had ever represented that he owned the deep fryer, fan or other chattels, so claim under Contractual Remedies Act failed / no unilateral or mutual mistake for purposes of s 6 of the Contractual Mistakes Act / not just for the Respondent to enforce the agreement and require balance to be paid when parties had negot…
AAQ Ltd v ZZJ, ZZK and ZZL [2013] NZDT 13 (16 April 2010) [PDF, 84 KB] Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / guarantees as to acceptable quality and fitness for purpose / Applicant purchased diesel from First Respondent’s petrol station / almost immediately after purchasing the diesel, the Applicant’s Landcruiser’s engine failed due to a breakdown in the vehicle’s fuel injection system / repairs cost over $12,250 / held that CGA applied as diesel fell within the definition of a “good” under the CGA, and it was sold in trade by the First Respondent / also a claim against the Second Respondent, the New Zealand company the distributed the fuel to petrol stations as “manufacturer” / held that the engine failure was caused by fuel contaminated by water / First Respondent had failed to maintain diesel tank resulting in higher-than-normal water levels in the diesel / First Respondent liable under the CGA / Second Respondent not liable under the CGA as there was not evidence to suggest the fuel was contaminated when it was delivered to the First Respondent / 30 per cen…
AAF and AAG v ZZU [2010] NZDT 45 (26 February 2010) [PDF, 71 KB] Jurisdiction / personal injury / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Applicants claimed damages against Respondent for negligent health care services including damages for emotional harm, anxiety and stress / matter was investigated by Health and Disability Commissioner / Respondent refunded cost of treatment / Held: Applicant’s claim is founded on tort of negligence causing personal injury and emotional harm / personal injury claims exclusively covered by Injury Prevention Rehabilitation and Compensation Insurance Act 2001 / therefore, claim outside jurisdiction of Tribunal / claim struck out.
AGP v ZTZ Ltd [2009] NZDT 554 (23 November 2009) [PDF, 69 KB] Jurisdiction / Disputes Tribunals Act 1988 / Applicant purchased new motor vehicle from Respondent / automatic transmission failed / Applicant claimed for the cost of repair as vehicle was not of “acceptable quality” under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Held: Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal has jurisdiction to deal with claims under the CGA against motor vehicle traders / claim more properly determined there with the assistance of a specialist assessor / claim transferred to Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal.
ADC v ZWY [2009] NZDT 199 (31 July 2009) [PDF, 76 KB] Contract / Contractual Remedies Act 1979 (CRA) / Applicant engaged Respondent to sew garments / Applicant notified Respondent that she would be stopping payments because she was dissatisfied with the workmanship and the garments were not of the required standard / Respondent claims for payment of invoice and Applicant claims for the cost of the materials used for the sewing of the garments / Held: implied term of the contract that sewing would be done to an acceptable standard / essential term / Applicant entitled to cancel the contract in accordance with s 7 of the CRA / s 9 of CRA allows an order for damages when contract is cancelled by any party / no compensation payable to Respondent for her performance of the contract as the garments have no value / Applicant’s counterclaim successful, Respondent’s claim dismissed / Respondent to pay Applicant $223.44.
AAD v ZZW LTD [2009] NZDT 9 (9 June 2009) [PDF, 70 KB] Contract / Sharemilkers Agreements Act 1937 / Applicant was appointed by the Respondent and a third party to act as a conciliator in sharemilking dispute / both parties agreed to pay half the costs of the conciliation / Respondent had not paid its account and considered the work done by the Applicant to be in breach of her contract as a conciliator / held that the Applicant failed to carry out her role as conciliator with reasonable skill and care, and in accordance with the Sharemilking Agreement / conciliator was obliged to immediately convene a hearing between parties; to assist parties to reconcile their views on the dispute to reach an amicable settlement, and to provide independent and impartial assistance / was not relevant that the Applicant was not a member of a professional body of mediators, or that she failed to complete the conciliation in the timeframe envisaged under the Sharemilking Agreement / held that the failings in the process adopted by the Applicant significantly…
Form-56-Application-for-warrant-to-seize-property-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf [PDF, 344 KB] Form-56-Application-for-warrant-to-seize-property-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf
Form-61-Application-for-warrant-to-recover-chattels-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf [PDF, 350 KB] Form-61-Application-for-warrant-to-recover-chattels-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf
Form-206-Application-to-Vary-suspend-or-cancel-attachment-order-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf [PDF, 419 KB] Form-206-Application-to-Vary-suspend-or-cancel-attachment-order-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf
Form-204w-Application-for-an-attachment-order-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf [PDF, 409 KB] Form-204w-Application-for-an-attachment-order-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf
Form-205w-Application-for-financial-assessment-hearing-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf [PDF, 346 KB] Form-205w-Application-for-financial-assessment-hearing-FINAL-9-December-2024.pdf
OC v N Ltd [2024] NZDT 409 (13 May 2024) [PDF, 207 KB] Contract / Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant used diesel emissions fluid in her petrol car / Applicant claims there was insufficient signage at Respondent’s service station / Applicant claims $1,060 to repair her vehicle / Held: Services should be conducted with reasonable skill and care / No person in trade shall engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or deceive / Respondent had taken reasonable steps to alert drivers about exhaust fluid / Claim dismissed.
Disputes-Tribunal-Advertisement-Auckland-Region.pdf [PDF, 152 KB] Disputes-Tribunal-Advertisement-Auckland-Region
Disputes-Tribunal-Advertisement-Christchurch.pdf [PDF, 151 KB] Disputes-Tribunal-Advertisement-Christchurch
Disputes-Tribunal-Advertisement-Hamilton.pdf [PDF, 152 KB] Disputes-Tribunal-Advertisement-Hamilton
FDR Operating Guidelines [PDF, 713 KB] Family Dispute Resolution operating guidelines
Fair-Way-FDR-brochure-Te-reo-Maori.pdf [PDF, 1.5 MB] Brochure (in Te Reo) about Family Dispute Resolution services delivered by Fairway.
Fair-Way-FDR-Brochure-Eng.pdf [PDF, 1.5 MB] Brochure (in English) about Family Dispute Resolution services delivered by Fairway
PSC-FDR-brochure.pdf [PDF, 385 KB] Brochure about Family Dispute Resolution services delivered by PSC.
FDRC Brochure Brochure explaining Family Dispute Resolution delivered by FDRC