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2387 items matching your search terms

  1. EN & QN v C Ltd [2024] NZDT 581 (23 August 2024) [PDF, 205 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants purchased a second hand grandfather clock for $1100.00 from Respondent / Applicants alleged the clock was not able to be repaired and they wished to return the clock and receive a refund / Held: Respondent was not a specialist seller / Respondent was a charity that ran a shop selling second hand items, which would be obvious to any consumer / Clock was most likely marked as “as is” / Applicants were aware the clock was being sold not working because they engaged a clockmaker to fix it shortly after purchase / Guarantee that the clock was of acceptable quality did not apply / Applicants accepted the clock was not working and had no assurance it would work and they accepted the risk the clock may not able to be made to work / Claim dismissed.

  2. OT v XQ Ltd [2024] NZDT 619 (22 August 2024) [PDF, 186 KB]

    Parking / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant parked his car in a car park controlled by Respondent on a number of occasions / No response from Respondent by way of fines or tickets / Applicant obtained a ticket from Respondent in a different parking space / When the Applicant went online to pay the fine he discovered there were 48 other tickets totalling about $6,615.00 outstanding for which he had received no notice / Applicant filed a claim for a declaration of non-liability of up to $6,615.00 for parking tickets accumulated but not communicated to him by the Respondent /  Held: parking building company arguably has a legitimate interest in de-incentivising parking where no fee was paid in breach of the parking contract / Part of the purpose of a fine for de-incentivising illegal parking was to make the fine known to the person parking illegally, to prevent further breaches / Respondent had not communicated with Applicant about amounts owing and they have mounted significantly …

  3. KT & PD v KI [2024] NZDT 579 (13 August 2024) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Negligence / Respondent engaged the Applicants to move furniture / Respondent’s puppy was killed in the course of the move / Respondent accepted Applicants’ work was done but considered that they were responsible for the death of his puppy / Applicants claimed $542.00 for cost of their labour and related costs / Held: Applicants were obliged to carry out their work with reasonable care so as not to cause damage to Respondent’s property / Applicants did not fail to use reasonable care / Respondent had obligation to maintain control of the puppy / Respondent took the risk of his puppy suffering injury by allowing her to run loose whilst the Applicants were moving heavy objects / Respondent did not warn Applicants that the puppy was running loose, particularly as they had previously observed the puppy being restrained / Applicants’ actions resulted in the puppy’s death, but their actions could not be regarded as negligent conduct / Respondent should have confined his puppy while heavy obj…

  4. NB v CF & MF [2024] NZDT 515 (13 August 2024) [PDF, 214 KB]

    Contract / Applicant signed contract to purchase property from Respondents for $375,000 / There were unconsented works and potential issue with wastewater system / $10,000 taken off purchase price to rectify issues / Contract became unconditional / Applicant claims compensation for replacing sewage system / Held: Applicant reasonably knew there was a potential issue in wastewater system / Respondent’s have not breached vendor warrantee / Respondent’s did not misrepresent property’s single pipe / Respondent’s have not breached contract / Claim dismissed.

  5. I Ltd v Q Ltd [2024] NZDT 567 (12 August 2024) [PDF, 185 KB]

    Contract / Respondent took its vehicle to Applicant and found a coolant leak / Respondent authorised Applicant to replace head gasket / Vehicle overheated and lost power / Pistons were cracked which was pressuring the cooling system / Applicant invoiced Respondent for replacement engine / Respondent believed Applicant damaged pistons during first repair and refused to pay invoice / Applicant claimed payment of invoice / Held: Applicant did not damage pistons when it replaced the head gasket / Cracked pistons would have eventually failed / Respondent barred by contract from making consequential losses / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $30,000 / Counterclaim dismissed / Claim allowed.

  6. IE v X Ltd [2024] NZDT 587 (12 August 2024) [PDF, 262 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988 / Respondent’s legal services were engaged for the execution of an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) for Applicant’s father / Applicant claimed Respondent failed to provide satisfactory advice to him about the EPA, resulting in Applicant’s expenditure from his father’s estate that the Family Court ordered him to refund / Applicant claimed $30,000 loss arising from Respondent’s incorrect advice / Held: Respondent failed to provide satisfactory EPA services, as EPA instrument was ineffective / Failure demonstrated a lack of reasonable care and skill and failure to provide services fit for purpose / However, money ordered to be repaid by the Family Court was not a consequential loss arising from Respondent’s inadequate EPA process, but a consequence of Applicant’s decision to spend his father’s money without a legal basis for doing so / That decision pre-dated the EPA instrument executed by Re…

  7. NQ v T Ltd [2024] NZDT 598 (9 August 2024) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant was involved in a minor vehicle collision with Respondent’s driver / Collision occurred after Applicant changed lanes and moved in front of Respondent’s vehicle / On basis that it was a “rear-end” collision, Applicant and his insurer claimed cost of repairs to Applicant’s vehicle, being $2437.32 / Respondent contended that Applicant caused the collision by “brake-checking” their vehicle behind / Respondent counterclaimed for cost of their repairs, being $1328.83 / Held: dashcam footage showed there was not much of a gap for Applicant’s vehicle to move into, and that he braked suddenly after changing lanes / Combination of evidence lead to conclusion Applicant was brake-checking / This practice is inherently dangerous and followed a tight lane change / Applicant was fully liable for causing the collision / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $1328.83 / Claim dismissed / Counterclaim allowed.

  8. HU & DU v I Ltd & CJ Ltd [2024] NZDT 598 (9 August 2024) [PDF, 232 KB]

    Consumer law / Fair Trading Act 1986 (FTA) / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicants purchased a vehicle in 2013 / In 2023, vehicle required around $10,700.00 of transmission work / Repairer informed Applicants transmission failed because all four tyres had not been changed at the same time during life of the vehicle, placing strain on the transmission system / Applicants were unaware of necessity of changing all four tyres at once / Applicants sought compensation from manufacturer (First Respondent) and tyre company (Second Respondent) / Held: First Respondent and its agent failed to inform Applicants about danger to the transmission from incorrect tyre replacement / First Respondent chose to remain quiet about this issue / This conduct breached the FTA requirement not to mislead the public as to characteristics and suitability for purpose of the vehicle / Insufficient evidence that Second Respondent failed to carry out tyre servicing with reasonable care and skill / Applicants enti…

  9. B Ltd v P Ltd [2024] NZDT 564 (9 August 2024) [PDF, 135 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant bought vehicle from Respondent / Vehicle failed WOF due to structural corrosion and required significant repairs / Applicant claimed compensation for reduction in value of vehicle and costs / Held: vehicle not of acceptable quality / Corrosion highly unlikely to have developed in a space of five months / Corrosion and rust faults are a failure of substantial character because they are so extensive and require more than minor repairs / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $20,273.00 / Claim allowed.

  10. ET v F Ltd & EN [2024] NZDT 562 (9 August 2024) [PDF, 199 KB]

    Tort / Negligence / Vicarious liability / Land Transport Act 1998 / Applicant and Respondent involved in vehicular accident / Applicant riding motorcycle / Respondent driving work van / Applicant filed claim against the Respondent, Respondent's employer and insurer / Applicant claimed damages for loss of his motorbike, jacket, gloves, helmet, and stress and inconvenience / Held: Respondent breached duty of care to Applicant when he failed to ascertain way was clear before turning to another road / Defence of frolic and detour applies / Respondent's employer not vicariously liable / Respondent driving under suspended licence / Applicant entitled to damages / Second Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,730 / Claim against First Respondent and insurer dismissed / Claim allowed.

  11. BI v U Ltd [2024] NZDT 614 (8 August 2024) [PDF, 101 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant hired a campervan from Respondent / During course of hire Applicant had three different campervans, all of which Applicant experienced issues with / Applicant claimed $5,263.00, being refund of $169.78 daily rental for the 28 days she used the second campervan with issues, plus 3 days she had to take the third campervan for repair / Applicant had already received $2,075.00 compensation from Respondent / Held: goods supplied by Respondent were not of acceptable quality / Reasonable consumer would not have regarded campers as being fit for purpose due to number of issues Applicant experienced / Failure was of a substantial character / $2,075.00 was a reasonable amount for Applicant to receive in damages in compensation for reduction in value of hire of the camper / Applicant suffered loss of $60.00 for food that perished due to camper fridge not working / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $60.00 / Claim allowed in part.

  12. IW v K Ltd [2024] NZDT 609 (8 August 2024) [PDF, 176 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased phone from Respondent / Device was advertised as being water resistant to a maximum of 1.5m for up to 30 minutes / Device was accidentally submerged in water for less than a second to a depth of about 10cm / Device stopped working / Applicant reported failure to Respondent / Device was sent to a repairer for assessment / Respondent advised device had suffered liquid ingress which was not covered by warranty / Respondent claimed device had been misused / Applicant claimed refund of $1,095.00 / Held: apparent from repairer’s report the device failed due to a manufacturer’s fault / All reference to the fault were removed from the report Respondent submitted to the Tribunal / Clear evidence that device was not of acceptable quality / Applicant entitled to refund / Respondent ordered to pay $1,095.00 / Claim allowed.

  13. BT & Q Ltd v U Ltd [2024] NZDT 550 (8 August 2024) [PDF, 182 KB]

    Consumer law / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicants alleged Respondent engaged in unconscionable behaviour by closing their company credit account / Applicant claimed compensation of $27,000.00 being $7,000.00 for loss of income and $20,000.00 for humiliation / Held:  Respondent’s action in withdrawing the credit account was directed at the Applicant’s company and not him personally / First Applicant had to show personal loss for unconscionable conduct claim, which would exclude alleged loss of business income / No evidence to support allegation of racial discrimination / Claim by Second Applicant struck out / Claim by First Applicant dismissed.

  14. CN & MN v KN & W Ltd [2024] NZDT 521 (7 August 2024) [PDF, 218 KB]

    Contract / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant owned a property / Former neighbours built an outbuilding which encroached on Applicant’s property / Former neighbour passed away and property was sold to purchaser / Purchaser took Applicants to District Court to resolve encroachment issue / Applicants successfully defended District Court proceedings / Applicants claim legal costs from real estate agent who failed to inform purchaser of encroachment before purchase / Held: legal costs were too remote or not reasonably foreseeable as result of conduct or lack of conduct by Respondent / Claim dismissed.

  15. ZX v UE [2024] NZDT 546 (6 August 2024) [PDF, 104 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant entered into a contract to purchase a vehicle for $18,000.00 from Respondent / 14 days later the car stopped working / Applicant took the car to the mechanics and was told that it was likely the car had been damaged in a flood / Applicant claimed $9500.00 from the Respondent on grounds that the vehicle was misrepresented to her / Respondent denied any knowledge of the vehicle being involved in a flood / Held: both parties provided conflicting accounts of events / No objective evidence provided / Applicant could not prove they were induced into purchasing the car due to misrepresentations by Respondent / Claim dismissed.

  16. SQ v M Ltd [2024] NZDT 513 (6 August 2024) [PDF, 188 KB]

    Contract / Respondent was Applicant’s property manager / Applicant states that Respondent has breached contract / Tenancy agreement stated maximum of 4 tenants but one tenant also had their mother staying / Applicant claimed increase in rent to reflect additional tenant and costs when he cancelled contract / Held: Respondent had not breached contract by having more than four tenants / Respondent had breached contract by entering into settlement agreement / Respondent had not breached contract in terms of how they property managed the property / Respondent not liable for costs Applicant has incurred / Claim dismissed.

  17. XM v MK & NK [2024] NZDT 559 (5 August 2024) [PDF, 99 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant bought boat from First Respondent / Second Respondent claimed First Respondent had no right to sell / As a result of Second Respondent's actions, Applicant sought to return boat and have his money returned / Held: Second Respondent, by his actions as half owner, consented to the sale of the boat / Contract had no provision on cancellation / Applicant not entitled to cancel contract / Applicant entitled to full and uninterrupted possession of boat / Claim dismissed.

  18. KS & TC v M Ltd [2024] NZDT 565 (5 August 2024) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant entered verbal contract with Respondent that the Respondent's shop would sell items on behalf of Applicant / Items had been sold but Applicant had not received payment / Applicant claimed value of items and collection costs / Held: Applicant entitled to contract / Respondent refused to fulfil obligations by refusing to pay Applicant / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $2,801 / Claim allowed.

  19. FU v IX [2024] NZDT 527 (2 August 2024) [PDF, 183 KB]

    Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased a puppy from Respondent for $2,500.00 / Puppy became ill, and was put down by her vet, within two weeks of purchase / Applicant sought a refund of purchase price plus $805.00 vet and other costs / Respondent stated there was insufficient proof that the puppy had a pre-existing condition, or that it could not have been nursed back to health / Held: breed of puppy was small and sensitive / Respondent supplied Applicant with material about particular health risks to the puppy / Not possible to make a finding that the puppy’s death was caused by a defect / Respondent had offered a refund when the Applicant had first advised that the vet had confirmed the puppy had a defect / However, Respondent had retracted that offer once the vet report was viewed, as it was then understood that no tests had confirmed a defect / In the circumstances, Respondent could not be held to the refund offer / Claim dismissed.

  20. ES v T Ltd [2024] NZDT 547 (2 August 2024) [PDF, 122 KB]

    Property / Limitation / Limitation Act 2010 / In 2017, Respondent was cutting trees on Applicant’s property when a large branch fell on roof of a silo belonging to Applicant / Applicant obtained quote of $18,236.93 to replace silo / Respondent’s insurer offered $6,382.93 to settle claim, estimated indemnity value of silo less depreciation / Applicant rejected offer, instead wanting replacement value or repair of silo / Applicant brought claim for $30,000 for cost to repair damaged silo / Respondent counterclaimed $6,595.25 for invoice for tree topping work ($1,863.00) plus interest / Held: both claims time-barred / Claims struck out.

  21. LQ v LE [2024] NZDT 590 (31 July 2024) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA) / Applicant purchased a vehicle from Respondent for $9,700 after seeing it advertised online / Soon after purchase a dashboard light came on and multiple issues were found / Repairs were carried out for $6,900 / Applicant brought claim under CGA after discovering Respondent was the co-owner of a car dealership / Respondent explained this was a private sale on behalf of a friend and he was not acting in trade / Held: on evidence available, Respondent was selling car on behalf of his friend / Not proven Respondent was acting in trade / Consumer protections available under CGA do not apply to private sales / Only recourse for a buyer in a private sale is where there has been a misrepresentation / No misrepresentation appeared to have been made because advertisement did not state anything about vehicle’s mechanical condition or history / This was a situation where “buyer beware” applied / Claim dismissed.

  22. BW v TC [2024] NZDT 511 (31 July 2024) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Negligence /Applicant cyclist and Respondent motorcyclist collided in a road accident / Applicant provided CCTV footage that showed he entered into an intersection controlled by lights / Applicant was cycling slowly and was positioned at the centre of the intersection /  After two cars passed, Applicant started turning right / Respondent was driving his motorcycle through the intersection and said he was aware of the Applicant /  Respondent overtook Applicant just as Applicant was turning right, and both riders collided / Applicant claimed for cost of his replacement bike, helmet and bike carrier from his insurer / Applicant now claimed for his insurer to be compensated for the loss it incurred / Held: Respondent breached his duty of care by overtaking in an intersection without ensuring it was safe to do so / Applicant’s insurer entitled to be compensated for all reasonably foreseeable loss / Total foreseeable loss was $1,049.50 / Applicant’s insurer shown that it was entitled to be c…

  23. KI v Q Ltd [2024] NZDT 584 (30 July 2024) [PDF, 178 KB]

    Contract / Applicant engaged Respondent to attend her holiday rental accommodation as there was no gas to the property for hot water / Applicant agreed to an after-hours evening call-out / Applicant was then able to arrange for another gasfitter to attend earlier / Applicant called Respondent’s office number and left a message that she no longer required Respondent’s services / Applicant did not call the after-hours number supplied, so gasfitter did not get her message and attended the job / Respondent invoiced Applicant $561.43 for their attendance / Applicant requested a declaration of non-liability for invoiced sum / Held: reasonable assumption that Applicant would have heard message noting the after-hours contact phone number / Applicant did not succeed in cancelling the contact / Applicant caused Respondent to suffer losses in time and travel to attend the property / Insufficient details to support Respondent’s $43 administration charge / Applicant required to pay $511.98 / Declar…

  24. BT v U Ltd [2024] NZDT 574 (30 July 2024) [PDF, 175 KB]

    Negligence / Applicant left his car with the Respondent to have new tyres fitted / Applicant paid $1000.00 for the tyres / Severe flooding affected location of Respondent’s workshop / Vehicles in the workshop were written off as a result of the flooding / Speed and severity of flooding took local council and emergency services by surprise / Held: Respondent could not have predicted or even suspected the flooding / Respondent had no reason to take any special precautions / Claim of negligence not established / Respondent had no legal liability to Applicant for the loss of his vehicle in the flood / Respondent negotiated a payout from its insurer based on part of its policy covering vehicles damaged while in the workshop / Respondent offered Applicant $14,000.00 as part of their insurance pay out / Respondent also agreed to refund the costs of the tyres, $1000.00 / Respondent agreed to pay Applicant $15,000.00 in total / Claim dismissed.