Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant engaged Respondent to install a vapour barrier / Later it was discovered water had rotted and damaged part of premises / Investigations showed a leaking pipe joint under the house had been taped over with black plastic tape / Applicant believed Respondent damaged pipe in the process of their work / Applicant claimed $19,814.50 to repair damage / Respondent denied damaging the pipe and believed it was caused by someone else / Held: more likely than not that damage to the pipe joint happened when Respondent was carrying out work / Respondent failed to provide its service with reasonable care and skill as it caused damage to a pipe that resulted in significant damage to premises / Failure was of a substantial character / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $19,814.50 / Claim allowed.
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2387 items matching your search terms
MD v U Ltd [2024] NZDT 578 (30 July 2024) [PDF, 101 KB] -
KI v Q Ltd [2024] NZDT 520 (30 July 2024) [PDF, 90 KB] Contract / Misrepresentation / Applicant engaged Respondent to sell his property / Respondent gave Applicant documents to sign / Applicant stated his understanding was marketing costs would be covered by the proceeds to sale / Respondent claimed Applicant understood marketing costs needed to be paid even if property remained unsold / Applicant sought order that he was not liable for marketing costs / Held: Respondent did not mislead the Applicant / Applicant needed to understand document they were executing / Applicant liable to pay marketing costs / Applicant ordered to pay Respondent $2,445.00 / Claim allowed.
IB v TT [2024] NZDT 588 (29 July 2024) [PDF, 172 KB] Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant entered into an agreement to purchase a property from the Respondent / Applicant got a building inspection done before purchase but not a specialised watertightness inspection / After settlement, Applicant noticed a leak in the garage / Applicant consulted plumbers but they could not provide a solution / Applicant concluded the Respondent knew about the leak / Applicant claimed $28,500.00 from Respondent, comprising $258.75 for legal costs, $230.00 for a private investigator, $460.00 for engineer’s report, $180.00 for filing fee, and $27,255.00 for estimated cost of repairing leak / Held: more likely than not that the Respondent knew about the leak / Applicant did not produce any evidence that Respondent made any statements that might have amounted to a misrepresentation / Respondent did not have legal duty to disclose the leak / Under the contract, Applicant bore the risk that there could be problems with …
MQ v CS [2024] NZDT 566 (29 July 2024) [PDF, 214 KB] Contract / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant sought Respondent's vehicle restoration services / Applicant claimed Respondent estimated job would cost $10,000 / Applicant paid $21,217 and job was only partially completed when he took vehicle away / Applicant also claimed Respondent caused damage to the vehicle / Held: Respondent's comment that the job was “doable” for $10,000 was inaccurate / Respondent failed to exercise reasonable care and skill in terms of costing / Applicant failed to prove Respondent caused damage to vehicle / Successful part of Applicant’s claim was that the cost of Respondent’s work was substantially beyond what Applicant expected he would have to pay / A reasonable consumer would not expect that the cost would be more than double what the skilled service provider said was doable / Applicant entitled to partial refund / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $4,417 / Claim allowed in part.
DO v CH [2024] NZDT 576 (29 July 2024) [PDF, 189 KB] Property / Applicant was head tenant of a property / Respondent moved into the flatting situation and signed a fixed term agreement for three months / Within three weeks of moving in Respondent advised he wished to move out in two weeks / Applicant claimed Respondent owed him $2,700.00 because he did not stay for fixed term as agreed / Held: Respondent breached agreement by leaving flat before fixed term ended / Respondent was legally liable to pay rent until end of term / Respondent stated he wanted to leave early as the property was unsanitary, but failed to provide evidence / However, Applicant had a duty to mitigate losses by finding a new flatmate as quickly as possible / Actual loss suffered as a result of Respondent’s breach was loss of rent between when he moved out and when a new tenant moved in / Applicant did not provide enough evidence to prove he was unable to find replacement flatmate until end of fixed term agreement / Applicant failed to prove he suffered a loss and tha…
FD v HO & MO [2024] NZDT 558 (29 July 2024) [PDF, 189 KB] Contract / Misrepresentation / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Applicant bought campervan from Respondent / Applicant claimed Respondent misrepresented capability of campervan to negotiate steep hills / Applicant sought to cancel contract, return campervan and have his $20,000 returned / Held: Applicant did not solely rely on Respondent's representation of vehicle but on his own experience of viewing and test driving the van when considering whether to purchase it / Applicant not induced to purchase by misrepresentation / Vehicle valued at price it sold for / Applicant not entitled to remedy / Claim dismissed.
HB v N Ltd [2024] NZDT 543 (29 July 2024) [PDF, 93 KB] Rehearing / Application for rehearing / Applicant claimed terms and conditions were only disclosed by Respondent to the court for previous hearing / Applicant also submitted that he wanted to claim against Respondent as she did not provide him with information which deprived him of a potential claim / Held: Tribunal found terms and conditions were discussed in some detail during the hearing / Applicant attempting to claim against same entity, in relation to the same facts, that were previously discussed / Application for rehearing declined / Claim dismissed.
MQ v N Inc [2024] NZDT 526 (26 July 2024) [PDF, 207 KB] Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993/ Applicant entered into an agreement with Respondent to hire their premises for her son’s 21st birthday / Applicant claimed drinks were not supplied as requested and that the bar staff closed the bar an hour earlier than agreed / Furthermore, Applicant claimed that she is due a refund for unused bar tab funds / Applicant claimed $2,600.00 in compensation from Respondent which included $300.00 bond refund, $50.00 staff costs refund, $150.00 venue hire refund, $2,000.00 bar tab refund / Respondent denied any liability to pay compensation, as they said they had to close the bar early due to repeated prohibited behaviour by birthday-goers / Respondent also stated that their records showed the bar tab was expended on the night, apart from a small amount / Held: evidence indicated that guests were drinking in the carpark and toilets, that they were warned not to do this / Respondent was within their rights per the terms and conditions of venue hir…
D Ltd v IB [2024] NZDT 560 (26 July 2024) [PDF, 94 KB] Contract / Applicant provided stock valuation services to Respondent / Respondent had not paid Applicant as they believed the services were inaccurate / Applicant claimed payment / Held: contract provides for Applicant to complete an on-farm valuation with one valuer / Contract did not provide Respondent's presence to conduct valuations / Contract terms were performed / Respondent not entitled to cancel contract / Amount claimed reasonable / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $11,516.91 / Claim allowed.
SO v TH [2024] NZDT 536 (25 July 2024) [PDF, 235 KB] Jurisdiction / Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1908 / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Applicant drove for a taxi company / Respondent was chairman of taxi organisation board / Applicant was unhappy with how the organisation was being operated / Applicant claimed Respondent was exercising more votes than allowed under the constitution, enabling him to control the organisation and benefit both in the running of his taxis and associated businesses / Applicant claimed for cost of legal expenses incurred in trying to challenge this / Held: no jurisdiction to hear claim / Applicant required to take matter up with the board / Industrial and Provident Societies Act provided it was District Court who had jurisdiction to hear such disputes, not Disputes Tribunal / Claim struck out.
KB v NX [2024] NZDT 510 (25 July 2024) [PDF, 184 KB] Contract law / Applicant entered into an agreement to purchase a section from Respondent / Section did not have a house as it had burnt down, and the debris had been removed / All that remained was a garage with an attached carport / Section was overgrown with vegetation and some rubbish / Agreement between the parties included a term that the vendor would remove any rubbish before settlement / Applicant claimed that on settlement Respondent had left some rubbish on the section that he had to disposed of / Applicant claimed to be compensated for the dump fees and related costs / Held: unable to establish that the remaining rubbish was part of what the Respondent agreed to remove / Photographic evidence included photo of Applicant’s trailer with branches still with green foliage / Consistent with the Applicant having cut the vegetation, but claiming it was rubbish left by Respondent / Applicant was not given permission to enter onto the land or to cut the vegetation, or remove the carpo…
XT v TT & C Ltd [2024] NZDT 622 (24 July 2024) [PDF, 286 KB] Tort law / Negligence / First Respondent was spray-painting at a property / Applicant’s vehicle was damaged by paint overspray while at the neighbouring premises owned by Second Respondent / Applicant made an insurance claim / Applicant’s insurer brings a claim against First Respondent and subsequently applied to join Second Respondent based on law of bailment / Held: First Respondent owed a duty of care to Applicant / First Respondent is personally liable for the damage he caused / Claim against second respondent is dismissed as they took all reasonable steps to prevent loss / Claim partly allowed, First Respondent to pay Applicant’s insurer $30,000 by 14 August 2024 / Claim against Second Respondent is dismissed.
M Ltd v G Ltd [2024] NZDT 561 (24 July 2024) [PDF, 189 KB] Tort / Conversion / Applicant sold vehicle to customer / Vehicle had issues and Applicant engaged Respondent to undertake repairs / Respondent engaged third-party repairer as work was outside Respondent’s expertise / Applicant refused to pay third-party repairer’s invoice as it was not made out to Applicant / Respondent refused to allow Applicant to retrieve vehicle / Issue with invoice finally resolved, but while pickup was being arranged, wheels were stolen from vehicle / Respondent sent Applicant invoice for cost of wheel replacement plus storage costs / Applicant claimed damages of $19,895.34 being price of car plus cost of repairs paid to Respondent / Held: Respondent did not prove they had a right to retain vehicle when Applicant attempted to retrieve it / Respondent converted Applicant's vehicle / Applicant entitled to damages / Respondent ordered to pay Applicant $16,080.34 / Claim allowed in part.
SH v BU [2024] NZDT 552 (24 July 2024) [PDF, 92 KB] Contract / Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / Applicant successfully bid on a phone being sold by Respondent / Applicant paid $1,748.34 into Respondent’s bank account / Respondent told her he had not received the payment, that she could resend her payment and he would refund the first payment if it showed up / Applicant’s bank confirmed payment had been made / Applicant had not received phone or refund / Applicant claimed $2,368.34 for refund and time spent / Held: claim for time spent unable to be awarded / Applicant was induced into entering contract by misrepresentation by Respondent, namely that if she paid purchase price and shipping the phone would be sent to her / Respondent ordered to pay $1,748.34 / Claim allowed in part.
LT Ltd v IU [2024] NZDT 531 (24 July 2024) [PDF, 227 KB] Contract / Quasi-Contract / Applicant claimed it was contracted by the Respondent to supply staff Christmas hampers / Terms of these arrangements were agreed over a series of emails, rather than a formal, signed contract / Applicant received an email from the Respondent in September 2023 confirming the 2023 hamper project was proceeding / Applicant relied on that confirmation to order goods to ensure availability for late November and December / Applicant claimed it was therefore blindsided by a November 2023 email from the Respondent advising gift hampers would not proceed / Applicant sought $28,923.72 in losses for goods it ordered in reliance on the Respondent’s email / Respondent denied liability contending no contract was made and it was therefore not responsible for loss / Held: insufficient evidence to prove elements of a contract or quasi-contract were present between the parties for compensation to be awarded / Claim dismissed.
DH v FI [2024] NZDT 555 (23 July 2024) [PDF, 85 KB] Contract / Applicant loaned $2,600.00 bond money for a tenancy to her son and his partner, the Respondent / When tenancy ended, landlord refunded the bond equally between Applicant’s son and Respondent / Applicant’s son paid $1,300.00 to Applicant / Applicant claimed the other $1,300.00 from Respondent / Held: no written record of the loan agreement to clarify the intended parties / Not proven that the loan was to Applicant’s son and Respondent jointly, rather than just to Applicant’s son / Claim dismissed.
MG v L Ltd [2024] NZDT 548 (23 July 2024) [PDF, 96 KB] Contract / Tort / Disputes Tribunal Act 1988 / One of the Respondent's properties neighboured the Applicant's property / Respondent's tenant crashed it into Applicant's garage and damaged it / Applicant paid $2,300.00 to get it repaired / Applicant claimed $2,300.00 from Respondent / Held: Respondent not be liable in contract to pay for damage its tenant caused to someone else’s property / No contract between Respondent and Applicant / Law relating to vicarious liability cannot extend to Respondent in the circumstances / Tribunal did not jurisdiction in the matter / Claim dismissed.
MN v QL [2024] NZDT 542 (23 July 2024) [PDF, 143 KB] Contract / Property Law Act 2007 / Applicant paid Respondent $20,000.00 / Applicant sought refund of payment / Respondent claimed money was a deposit on a house Respondent was going to sell to Applicant / Respondent claimed he had to sell house to another party for less because Applicant did not go through with purchase / Respondent counterclaimed $30,000.00 for loss / Held: parties did not have written agreement for sale / Even if there was an enforceable verbal contract, no evidence that a condition of verbal contract was that Applicant’s $20,000.00 was non-revokable or refundable if Applicant decided not to proceed / Respondent would be unjustly enriched if he were to keep Applicant’s $20,000.00 / Applicant entitled to be paid back $20,000.00 as it was not a gift and not part of an enforceable term of a contract / Respondent not entitled to any other sum representing loss made by not selling to Applicant / Claim allowed / Counterclaim dismissed.
NC v KD & CD [2024] NZDT 535 (22 July 2024) [PDF, 189 KB] Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Fair Trading Act 1986 / Applicant booked Respondents’ accommodation for four nights / Respondents advertised property as being in a “peaceful rural setting” / Due to road noise, Applicant only stayed for three of the four nights / Applicant claimed a refund of $780.00 for four nights’ accommodation / Applicant claimed Respondents’ advertisement was misleading / Applicant also claimed accommodation service provided was unsatisfactory regarding readiness for guests / Held: word “peaceful” in advertisement was misleading / Applicant entitled to a full refund for fourth night and a 30 percent discount for the other three nights / Accommodation had value for Applicant for the days he decided to remain there / Respondents did not provide accommodation service with reasonable care and skill / Applicant’s failure to contact Respondents regarding defects in service resulted in a loss of right to compensation / Respondents ordered to refund $351.50 /…
EQ & KQ v S Ltd [2024] NZDT 606 (22 July 2024) [PDF, 114 KB] Contract / Applicants purchased a new build property from Respondent / When Applicants moved in they discovered the gas califont had been removed and that work required to meet resource consent requirements had not been completed / Applicants initially claimed $30,000.00 for remedial work, replacement of califont and legal fees, but reduced their claim following completion of further work by both parties / Held: most probable the califont was missing prior to settlement / Applicants entitled to cost of replacing califont, $2,207.00 / Applicants entitled to reimbursement for costs incurred carrying out work that was Respondent’s responsibility: $475.75 for paint and landscaping supplies / Applicants’ legal costs were a consequential loss suffered due to Respondent’s failure to provide property as contracted for, entitled to $4000.00 / Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $6,682.75 / Claim allowed.
TK v BD & TT Ltd [2024] NZDT 530 (22 July 2024) [PDF, 215 KB] Contract / Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant got tattoos from the First Respondent / Applicant claimed First Respondent used expired tattoo ink and provided poor workmanship in relation to the tattoos / Applicant also claimed First Respondent told him to change his tattoo image / Applicant claimed $12,614.00 for refund, cost of tattoo removal and cost of legal advice and associated time off work / Respondent counterclaimed $4,200.00 for loss of revenue and $1200.00 for a days’ lost work as Applicant cancelled final appointment / Held: Applicant failed to prove that the ink used had expired / Evidence indicated that it was the Applicant’s decision to change the tattoo image / Applicant failed to prove that the First Respondent did not provide his service with reasonable care and skill / Neither party can claim for costs / Claim against Second Respondent struck out / Claim and counterclaim dismissed.
OQ v QM & ors [2024] NZDT 539 (22 July 2024) [PDF, 166 KB] Nuisance / Property / Applicant and First Respondent were neighbours / First Respondent contracted Second Respondent to build retaining wall on First Respondent’s land near the Applicant’s boundary / Applicant claimed construction work occurred within root zone of his gum tree, and interference meant tree died and had to be removed / Applicant claimed $14,409.26 monetary loss incurred as consequence of tree being killed / Second Respondent cross-claimed for costs incurred preparing for hearing / Held: construction work disturbed tree’s root zone with detrimental effect on the tree such that it died and had to be cut down / An occupier entitled to cut back to the boundary overhanging branches or encroaching roots of a neighbour’s trees providing it is done with reasonable care / Insufficient evidence that Respondents failed to exercise reasonable care / Claim dismissed / Second Respondent’s cross-claim dismissed.
LG v C Ltd [2024] NZDT 518 (22 July 2024) [PDF, 178 KB] Contract / Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 / Respondent operates business leasing out shipping containers as storage containers / Applicant stored belongings in leased storage container / When decanted Applicant’s belongings were mouldy / Applicant claims refund / Held: services must be fit for its intended purpose / Applicant unable to prove Respondent breached guarantee that container was not fit for purpose / No evidence provided for damage and costs / Claim dismissed.
E Ltd v MN as trustee of NC Family Trust & OC [2024] NZDT 182 (22 July 2024) [PDF, 165 KB] Trust law / Applicant carried out accounting work for the family trust / First Respondent was trustee at the time / Second Respondent had resigned as trustee two months before relevant period / Applicant claimed payment of outstanding invoices being $12,062.35 / Held: First Respondent liable to pay for services performed, as trustee instructing Applicants to carry out services for the trust, / First Respondent ordered to pay Applicants $12,062.35 / Claim allowed.
GT v O Ltd [2024] NZDT 554 (20 July 2024) [PDF, 175 KB] Consumer law / Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 / Applicant purchased her daughter’s school uniform from the Respondent / Applicant purchased a size 12 skirt but later discovered it did not fit / Applicant returned the skirt to Respondent, swapped it for a size 14 and purchased a second size 14 skirt / Applicant laundered skirts / When school started Applicant found that the skirts were too large / Applicant had one of the skirts altered so that her daughter could wear it to school / Applicant wished to return both skirts / Respondent said it would it accept the skirt that had been laundered but refused to take the altered skirt / Applicant claimed $500.00 for a refund on two skirts and compensation for inconvenience and loss of use / Held: insufficient evidence that skirts were not within a correct size range for a kids size 14 school uniform skirt / No proven breach of guarantee / No evidence that the skirt was otherwise faulty / Claim dismissed.